Our Services
Choose the plan that fits your needs
Pet Setting Service-
Vacation Plan: This type of service, designed for vacations, business trips or any time you have to be away from home, has a beginning and an end date. Your options are:
· Once daily visits - minimum number of daily visits for cats, birds, fish, hamsters and other small caged pets. Visits take place between 7am and 6pm.
· Twice daily visits – suggest twice daily visits minimum number of daily visits for dogs and yet available for all pets.
· 3-5 visits daily - available by request for pets with special needs or when twice daily visits are not enough or for those dogs that need a mid-day potty break between the morning and evening visits. Have a need for a visit after 7pm? Visits between 7pm and 9pm are available by special arrangement.
In addition to the daily pet care, this plan includes the ‘extras’: pick up mail, newspapers and deliveries, limited watering of houseplants or garden, litter box cleanup, cage cleaning, lights and TV/radio turned off in the morning and on at night (twice daily visits), fill outside bird feeders, set out trash bin for collection day, etc.
Dog Walking Service:
Daily Plan: This type of visit will occur Mon. – Fri. (No Service on Holidays) between 10 am and 3 pm and is designed for dog walking and midday meals/potty breaks for youngsters and old timers. This service is very beneficial to pets whose owners are unable to perform midday care tasks due to work schedules.
Duration of visits: Visits will be for approximately 20-30 minutes. We do offer service with longer visits for those dogs that want more than a potty break.